Month: February 2021

  • Newbie’s Guide to Common Iguana Accessories



    To properly arrange an enclosure for iguana, you will need a lot of things. In addition to essentials such as heating and lighting, you will also need a few accessories. This article looks at some of the most important accessories for iguanes. Dishes It goes without saying, but you’ll definitely need bowls of food and…

  • The Overlook by Michael Connelly



    Harry Bosch is being called to investigate a murder linked to stolen radioactive material. A doctor who had access to the nuclear particles used in his cancer research at the hospital has just been killed on guard. The crime scene is just above the Mulholland Dam in Los Angeles. During his investigation, Bosch discovers that…

  • House Break Your Italian Greyhound



    Burglary is one of the reasons why Italian greyhounds turn to the rescue service. When I had my first Italian greyhound almost a decade ago, it was so good that I had no idea that Iggy’s other parents were pulling their hair out of the toilet because of accidents at home. However, when I joined…

  • Administering Subcutaneous Fluids to Your Cat – You Can Do This!



    Carol is my cat’s nanny, and her cat Sasha was recently diagnosed with kidney disease. It appears that 15-year-old Sasha has experienced a health signal – she has asthma, diabetes (now solved) and her veterinarian believes she has cancer, although no tests were conducted at 15 to confirm this. Shortly after her recent visit to…

  • Leadership – Tale of Two Cats and Two Dogs



    Molly was a German Shepherd like Jerry Lee: a medium brown body and a black snout. She was a pound, a young man who lived with him in a truck of a homeless and unemployed Westerner. Molly hunted animals for her lunch and probably shared it. She was a proud cold-blooded bitch, a good guard…

  • Trainspotting Analysis



    Trainspotting is an adaptation of Irwin Welsh’s novel, created by the film crew of Shallow Grave writer John Hedge, producer Andrew McDonald and director Danny Boyle, giving us unforgettable characters and moments. Ian McGregor plays Renton, a casual heroin addict who can’t decide whether to clean or retreat in the company of his lost friends…

  • Review: Broncho



    Broncho (pronounced BRON-CHO) is a byproduct of Ryan Lindsay’s solo career. One day, Ryan had the opportunity to record songs for a film project about a fictional punk band. Ryan took the opportunity to enlist the musical services of Jonathon Ford (Sailor Without Marriage, Native Lights), Ben King (Return Division, Hero Factor) and Nathan Price…

  • Rock Stars Who Walk on the Tame Side



    Glad I’ve never been a fan of Iggy Pop in the UK. Every time I saw swiftcover’s current ad campaign of the former wild car insurance guy The Stooges, I fell into depression. In any case, the fact that Johnny Rotten is adding Country Life oil here doesn’t seem like a big deal; There was…

  • Iggy’s New Toy



    After years of dedicated service, I recently realized that it was time to exchange my old trusty cell phone. Despite the ridicule of friends, I saved my big old phone after my phone company provided me with a free upgrade. It always worked reliably, and more importantly, I knew exactly where I was when I…

  • Iggy discovers – What to Do with His Photos



    After years of digital photography, I’ve collected a large number of photos that I’ve safely stored on the external hard drive. I printed some of the best and kept them in the album for clippings to save them, I also made several calendars using a set of calendars combined with a number of my favorite…